lunes, 1 de octubre de 2007

Unit 9: What does he look like??

Hi, my name is Andrea Arteaga but everybody calls me Andre, I’m 18 years old, I’m From Maracaibo and I study Laws at URBE, I’m fairly short and thin with long and frizzy brown hair; I have brown eyes and tanned skin.
I love music, meet people of different parts of the world, go out with my friends and walk around with my dog; I love Italian food and enjoy reality shows.
I hate studying English, the people who smokes and getting up early on week days and of course on weekends.
My dream is to graduate from law school and travel around the world, I want to learn how to speak German and French because they’re my favorite languages.
I really hate English, but I think is very important for me, because I have friends in many countries; I do understand English but I don’t speak it very well.